This was a demo I did in class yesterday, where they painted right along with me. I like to have a list of objectives to cover when we do this, rather than just painting. I give them the list so they can remember what we talked about (I don't STOP talking) as they painted theirs. On this list are: (in no order) perspective, warm vs cool colors, values, composition, negative painting, tools to experiment with, glazing, scumbling, adjusting, light, etc. I had a box of things I use to create texture. For example, dragging in an arc direction, the darks on the shaded side of the tree with my old business cards, index cards, cardboard.Also talked about using q tips, brayer, sponges, etc. We cover a lot with one painting! When I got home, I finished mine, and I'll try to remember to take pictures of all of the class paintings on Monday. I also talk alot about "breaking the rules". For example, you probably wouldn't normally see turquoise "spots" in a scene like this, but the minute I added them I knew it was finished! It was suggested again after the class that I create a video of a demo (a great compliment). It is on my to do list! The class is phenomenal. I still can't believe that some of these people have never picked up a paintbrush, and are creating beautiful paintings! They are awesome, and I appreciate their open-ness and willingness to just dig right in and banish the fear. Not to mention the friends I meet along the way by teaching. Oh...and the laughter. It's pretty cool when you spend a few hours totally forgetting about everything except right here, right now, and having fun.