Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Have Faith. You're Meant For This.

#2 of the challenge. I love painting birds, and this was going to just be 3 little ducks. But it turned out to look like the one on the right is afraid to get in the water. A duck! So it made sense to compare it to us humans. How many times do we doubt ourselves when we know we can do it, and that we're even meant to do it? Usually, our only obstacle is right in the mirror. Maybe we should have a designated day called "No Obstacles Day", and see what happens! Very Freeing, I bet.
This is 8x6, and acrylic


  1. Hi Laurie! I was looking at the map for the 30 in 30 challenge... I'm participating too! Great to see your colorful paintings again! I'll get in touch when I'm back downstate...

  2. So true, Laurie. Love your "No Obstacles Day" idea. And I love this painting!

  3. Love the title! And your bold colors are so invigorating. Great idea Laurie :)
