Wednesday, November 25, 2015


I was trying to concentrate on a mostly warm painting with a dash here and there of cool (an exercise we did at the Mark Mehaffey workshop). It's a great exercise and I'll be trying out lots of different things for the challenge. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Hug your family and pets an extra time or two.  


  1. … warm and cool, a dance with negative space, surprises from under the surface, shadows that beg me to curl up in happy hibernation, shiny reflections that invite me to sunbathe at a beach—a feast for my eyes. In fact, enough of a feast that perhaps I'll be temperate at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow : )

    I am grateful for so much, and you are front and center in my gratitude!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Laurie! Thanks for sharing your incredible talent with us!

  3. Thank you so much, Dotty and Sheila. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. This is the best
