Saturday, September 30, 2017

We Can Straighten This Out.

This is # 30 of the challenge. I only completed a handful this time, and it worked out ok. The time I saved (which was needed) was put to good use (class, family, etc). For years I have created a "Fun Box" for the people who I love, for birthdays. Late September and all of October is fun box time for me, as there are 6 birthdays! I gather up all the things I've collected over the past year that's unique to each person. I have SIX in progress! Birthdays are important to me.....! Hence the fun box. 
This vase of flowers was inspired by a still life I set up in my class, although my paintbrush went awry after while, which I'm used to. The students got off to a really good start and I'm looking forward to seeing theirs on Monday! I wanted to do a "mostly" painting, and this is a "mostly" green. It was fun to add the compliments of purple/pinks. I congratulate everyone who finished the challenge. It's a lot of dedication, but it's a great way to keep that practice up while making lots of new creations.
(which 12x9 and is ready to hang without a frame)


  1. Replies
    1. Just like your work this past month, Sue-thanks!

  2. Very nice flowers, I would love to sit in one of your classes!
    Very interesting idea about the birthdays, I am very curious to see what you do.

    1. You are welcome to come with me any day, Pat! You could be our visiting artist. As far as the funboxes, I'll tell you all about it! Thank you!

  3. A lovely piece Laurie. The purple-pinks are a super compliment to the muted greens and really help to make the painting pop. I hope you will share what your students do with the still life.

    1. Thanks, Val- yes I loved using those colors! I'll try to remember to take a picture in class tomorrow!

  4. stunning suggestion
    of stem, blossom, bud, shadow:
    bouquet invention

  5. This is wonderful! I love the style, the colors...everything about it! Always been a fan of yours, and I still am. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Karin! And conrats to you- well done on the challenge!

  6. Oh why can't I win the lotto so I can buy wonderful art?!? This was a breath of fresh air Laurie! Thank you, just love it. The greens, so different from you brights that I love, and I love these too. Serene, and calming. Ahhhhh. Love the shape of the vase and greens against the background, the lights and darks, the wonderful shapes. Glorious my talented friend! So glad to see you in the challenge :)

  7. Wow, Thank you so much, Sheila! And right back atcha- your challenge month was awesome in every way!

  8. As a card carrying member of your fan club, Laurie, I am thrilled to see another gorgeous painting.
    And thanks for sharing the sweet fun box story. Lovely post!
