Tuesday, January 12, 2016

# 12 "I'm In!"

#12 of the challenge. I think of the word "enthusiasm" when I look at this guy. One definition of  it is
"intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval". It is one of the most valuable assets we can have, and practice, in my opinion. If we can "bloom where we're planted", so to speak, we are light years ahead as far as living and enjoying life. Of course I have failed at this quality from time to time. Life gets really hard sometimes. But for the most part, the person with enthusiasm stands out, and stands a better chance at true happiness.  Whether applying for a job, being a parent, an employee, an artist, a plumber, a banker. Be enthused! Let it show!


  1. Laurie, one thing that wows me in I'm In!, and in others of your paintings, is your ability to (I'm going to have trouble finding words here) juxtapose the simplicity of what I'll call outlining (those wonderful scribing black/dark lines marking the edge of a shape) with the soft complexity of interior brushstrokes, in this case the breathtaking shadow side of this bird's wing and body, which looks like and has the wondrous depth of peering way into the universe through openings in clouds. Hurrah to you!

  2. The best advice ever, Laurie! Beautiful writing, beautiful painting, Friend!!

  3. Beautiful!
    A happy painting, I love it.
    And I agree with Lottie you have a way with outline and interior wonderful "chatoyantes" colors that keep the paint very solft eeven with a dark outline..
    Wish you a great 30/30 challenge !

  4. Lovely painting, and inspirational words Laurie. Dotty is right. I love that part of the wing also. Magical :)

  5. Your bird seems full of that enthusiasm. A word of caution about being 'all in" - it is easy to take on too much because of it so temper the enthusiasm with common sense - lol

  6. Your style inspires! Thank you.
