Sunday, February 25, 2018

Cheeseburger With No Meat or Cheese, Please

#25 of the challenge. I am lucky that I don't have any food allergies, etc. But we've all seen the bewildered look on the faces of the poor waitresses when they're face with an extreme challenge! This has painted wide edges, so no frame is needed and sits on a shelf or table, too! 


  1. You can definitely feel the attitude of the woman in red. She's definitely a handful. And the sweet waitress is patient and explaining. How do you do this with just brushstrokes? Great work, Laurie!

    1. A handful-that's what she is alright! Thanks, Laurelle!

  2. Your ability to read body language, tell a story, and then paint both? AMAZING!

  3. What Laurelle and Dotty said. LOL ;) And her poor husband, doesn't have the courage to face another mystified waitress. LOL. I love the sunny greens, and the golden umbrella, the light is fantastic as always :)

  4. Ha, ha, ha. A great chuckle for a snowy day! Thank you so much Laurie. I can almost see the poor girl's expression just by the way she is standing. Super work!
